Tuesday, 12 February 2008

dirty words in foreign languages

So we got Italian digital cable last week. It's been fabulous. I've been gleefully scanning through the 700 channels, having a blast switching whatever I want from English to Italian and back again. I've picked up plenty of nasty insults and curse words from Sex and the City (Thanks, Samantha!).

Since Italians don't have the FCC either, we get the UNCENSORED versions of every show, both in terms of nudity and language. Lets just say I figured this out when I was watching an episode of Dr. 90210. Dr 90210, by the way, must be the Italians' favorite show ever because it essentially runs every other hour on E!. Anyway, I almost fainted from watching a non-blurred breast augmentation. Lets also just say that I can now tell you how many bandages (and in what shape they are artfully decorated) get layered around a nipple to cover the stitches to reattach that puppy after it had been scalpeled right off so that the silicone water balloons could be inserted. Anyone want to venture a guess? Seriously, at this point I was sitting stunned and motionless in a pool of my own vomit.

Another less traumatic game is to figure out what the hell is actually on TV when I'm searching the guide. Some American shows have just been left with their American titles - Desperate Housewives, for one - but some have been changed. There's the ones with literal translations, like "Friends" is "Amici" complete with a brand new CGIed title "A*M*I*C*I" in the opening sequence, written in the bastard child of the actual friends font. But, there's also some where the Italians decided the American name was crap, so they made up their own title to approximate what the show is about. Or maybe the titles didn't make any sense when translated. Whatever. Anyway, try your hand at figuring some of my fave funny titles... some are gimmes but others are trickier...

Le Ragazze di Playboy (The Playboy Girls)
Rap di Famiglia (Family Rap)
Una Mamma Per Amica (A Mother for a Friend)
Streghe (Witches)

And my favorite:
SOS Tata 911 (If I translate this one directly, you'll know it. Try and focus on SOS and 911 and see if you can figure out what "tata" means. Hint: I am one.)

Aaaaand go!


Anonymous said...

1)The girls Next Door
2)Snoop Dog's Father Hood
3)Family Matters
5)Help, I'm blonde, call 911/

JM said...

1, 2, and 4 are right. 3 isn't even the right decade. and i really wish "help, i'm blonde, call 911" was a show. that would be awesome. but unfortunately, that is incorrect

Anonymous said...

I figured family matters was nowhere close. That was the only thing I could think of that involved a mother/family.

Although now I'm thinking Full House, but that's still in the 90s. Man.