Wednesday, 30 January 2008


So I suppose this first post has to be a shoutout to my friend jimmy hendrix who has inspired me to start blogging - or, as my father mistakenly called it yesterday, "blobbing." I have too much time on my hands, and this seems to be a decent outlet. I promise this attempt will be a vast improvement on my last effort many, many years ago. That was essentially a far-too-detailed account of my obsession with my high school crushes, which is something no one needs to see.

I hope this can end up being an equal composition of a few topics. I'm a recent college grad who is busy delaying the real world by living in Rome. It is extremely rewarding, but provides ample day-to-day challenges that I need to vent about. I think my friends deserve a break from my bitching, so I can do that here. I also would love to incorporate some posts that are mindy kaling style. Those of you that are Office aficionados like me know Mindy as smack-talking -- not to be confused with trash-talking -- Kelly Kapur. Her blog consist of glowing reviews for products that she loves. Did you know that she started writing for The Office when she was only 24?? Does the double question mark adequately express my awe and jealousy?? Unfortunately, I don't have the budget she does, but I'm still an avid consumer so maybe I can throw in a review here or there of one of the few things that I buy when I'm not busy crying over the dollar-to-euro exchange rate. Come February, I'll sprinkle in links for my tvgasm recaps - I'll be covering Cycle 10 of America's Next Top Model.

Of course, all this is actually assuming that I don't get bored of this after a week, which is the route that
the majority of my writing endeavors eventually go down. How anyone manages to complete something like oh, A NOVEL, is entirely beyond me.